Body grooming and body hair removal around the world

Body grooming and hair removal around the world

Body hair removal is not just a singular trend followed by a few hip trendsetters

Guys around the world have made manscaping a natural part of their grooming routine. However - how, where and why they shave is a kaleidoscope of national preferences and local styles. Some like their chests clean-shaven, others prefer a groomed groin or trimmed armpits… a classic case of ‘When in Rome…’!

To give you a little insight into the international world of body grooming, here are a few hairy facts on what body hair removal means to guys around the globe. And who knows, you might even find out that you’re an Italian or Frenchman at heart…!

Body grooming an hair removal in Germany

Actually, the german fur man doesn't really deserve his name - in fact he prefers smooth and clean to furry and fuzzy, but the rhyme was too good to pass up! The german fur man prefers clean shaves to neat trims. His favorite shaving spot are his armpits while he’s not really into leg shaving. He likes to complete his look with a shaved groin and chest to achieve a prime example of German body grooming.

Body grooming an hair removal in Italy

The italian stallion doesn't only indulge in spaghetti and vino, he also likes to treat himself to a fine dose of body hair removal. His favorite target is his manly chest - he likes it clean-shaven and sleek to let those hard-earned muscles shine. From time to time, he also has a go at his armpits, groin and legs to achieve the perfect look of “amore galore”.

Body grooming an hair removal in France

The fancy frenchman likes his body hair just the way he likes the lawn of his normandy cottage - neatly trimmed and well groomed. To avoid armpit hair poking out, the main area of his trimming interest are his underarms, which he grooms with great care. To look even more classy, the fancy frenchman also tends to his chest and groin area, but doesn't think too much of leg shaving - maybe because he doesn't want them to look like frogs' legs?

Body grooming an hair removal in the USA

The swanky yankee has jumped on the body hair removal bandwagon big time and is grooming his body to the max. His most prevalent trimming target is his groin - what was it again about certain body parts appearing larger after grooming?! He also likes to give his armpit hair a good trim, while he prefers his chest smooth and clean-shaven to pull off the sharp look of an all American manscaper.

Body grooming an hair removal in England

The breezy briton not only is a fan of queuing and fish & chips, but also likes to mind the gap - his armpit gap, that is. He likes his underarms neatly groomed and also shaves his chest and groin from time to time. However, leg shaving doesn't rank high on the body grooming list of the average British lad - which obviously doesn't make Mr. Beckham your average lad…!

Body grooming an hair removal in Spain

The spectacular spaniard is a fan of shaved chests and smooth legs. He prefers to show off his Iberian sun- tanned body nice and smooth and rather goes for a clean shave than trimming. To round off the perfect look for fiesta and siesta, the spectacular spaniard also likes to shave his underarms and groin from time to time and also has a go at his nape of neck, eyebrows or head when he feels like it - the complete look for a hot-blooded Don Juan!

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